Monday, 16 May 2011

Dartmoor trip

 this is my story board of these pictures
The way this rock as laid itself out with the plants with the holes underneath the rock as little hiding holes

Its a rocky path on a hill or a slope to get from one side to the other
The only tree part was really unique how its standing without any other trees
There's a bridge behind the rocky slope/ or high path with a elder tree in the way to find the hidden items and to get to another destination
The old broken fortress with no doors or windows amazing to be on the inside an enchanted fairy kingdom and the outside is this crumbling building
 The old fortress again but it looks smaller on the inside 
The rocky slope part two this slope was really high and difficult to climb
The spy hole in the fortress was to look out for demons and evil little goblins

 The broken down fortress from the back 

 The broken tree was a way back to your home base 

 Finding the hidden treasure inside this rocky up straight mountian

 This is the rocks that hides the evil Goblin Zaex we must destroy him 

 Another path way to follow to find your items going down this slope but be ware goblins maybe hiding the brushes 

 The trickery goblin hide where there is your hidden items in it for you to find but there goblin foot prints the smell of goblin in the air 

 The magical stream where you can gain back your health and mana after running around finding the items 

 The fairies hang out place away from the fortress and hidden away from the goblin

The Summary of this story board is a goblin treasure hunt you'll have to find the things listed to you by tracking the goblins footprints before they find you, the old fortress is your base and to summon yourself there by using the broken tree the fairies will help you find the things you are looking for. the type of things you will searching for is fairy wings, golden leaves, acorns and tree seeds that give you health and mana as your journey continues looking for these enchanted items, you'll have to find the evil goblin Zaex with your items and claim his cave then return back to the fortress and report to the fairy king. 

Today we went to Burrator to get some photography done for our backgrounds we split up in to teams so we weren't on our own my team went all the way around in four hours we had a good time and had a laugh racing up the hill and climbing around the rocks i got beaten up by the nature there which was funny every one seemed to have a good time when we went out of classroom doing something completely different we got some wonderful snap shots of the scenery there. We saw some amazing wildlife

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